March post #1

Although this is the march post I am doing this in April. So I will continue to do what I have done until now. Ask a random but possibly head aching question. The question for this blog is. On what basis did the original human language begin.

This is hard for me to answer even though I came up with this question just now. I am sure someone else has asked this question. I would be surprised if no one has. But I am here to ask it again. One of my theories is that it was hieroglyphics. This is a very well known theory and I can some what agree with it.

Unless you don’t consider hieroglyphics a language. I personally do considerate to be a language but some people think otherwise. Their reasons for this can be very reasonable. One reason could be because it is drawings of what they see. Nowadays when you think of a language you think of letters not drawings. Another reason is because they most likely couldn’t speak this language. Evidence for this is that you can’t speak drawings. But that’s all so talk next post bye.

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